We are now in the 20th century wherein when we are talking about “drugs” it is given a new connotation and there is usually a misconception on the meaning of it. Because some drugs when used properly and with the doctors’ prescription and supervision we can live a longer and healthier life. But on the other hand, always remember that illegal drugs aren’t cool, they will make you act like a fool.
Barkada Kontra Droga Sual National High School
Our organization is composed of motivated students which aims to make a change in the community specially in saving the youth from different form of vices and drug addiction. It also focuses in saving the environment through the conduct of various activities that will provide a clean and green environment.

Friday, 12 February 2021
Friday, 15 January 2021
Maintaining BKD Park
To contribute in the beautification of the school, their talents and creativeness were used to make a beautiful landscape of the BKD Park.
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
PROJECT KABABATA (KAlinga sa Bawat Bata)
Being equipped with proper tools for school is essential to academic success. BKD Sual NHS Chapter launched the Project KABABATA with the theme “No Learner will be Left Behind” by donating school supplies like coloring books, pad papers, pencils, and erasers. This project aims to help the struggling parents and to inspire the students from kindergarten and grade 1 to stay away from drugs. Another goal of this activity is to prepare the students for the new normal classes by tutoring them with the help of BKD Officers.
Friday, 11 December 2020
Online NDEP Corner
An informative online bulletin board containing the NDEP. This project was held on 7th day of December 2020 with the help of the BKD officers to educate the students of Sual National High School against drug abuse and other form of vices. The online bulletin board was designed to be more attractive for the students to read some quotations that was pinned there. For them to be aware and avoid smoking, alcohol intake and drug abuse, just like the Barkada Kontra Droga.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Mugs Not Drugs
The Barkada Kontra Droga Organization is promoting an income generating project by selling mugs that costs 100 pesos to finance the drug-related activities and programs/activities during the health crisis. We sold our products inside and outside the school vicinity and we were very happy and thankful because a lot of people bought our products and they liked it. They showed their support through patronizing our merchandise and to combat addictive vices in our school and in the community.
Saturday, 28 November 2020
BKD:Tiktok Kontra Droga
Monday, 23 November 2020
Pelikula Kontra Droga
Using multimedia platforms, they held a movie marathon to promote preventive drug education and encourage students to help in drug abuse prevention and developed self-awareness about drug abuse.
Friday, 20 November 2020
Guhit Kontra Droga
A poster making contest was conducted for grades 7 to 12 students of Sual National High School. The posters made by the students revolved around the theme “Bawal ang SAD (Sigarilyo, Alak at Droga) dapat HAPPY (Healthy at Pleasing Personality na Youth)”. The purpose of the competition was to encourage the students to spread awareness about using addictive vices.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
Tinta Kontra Droga
In line with the celebration of Drug Abuse Prevention Week, they inculcated a slogan making contest for grades 7 to 12 students of Sual National High School. The content of the student’s slogans depicted the importance of drug prevention and the dangerous effects caused by these drugs. The purpose of the competition was to encourage the students to spread awareness about using addictive vices.
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
PROJECT BENTE (Donation Drive for the Victims of Typhoon Ulysses)
“We have to do what we can to help wherever and whenever it is possible for us to help.”-JACKIE CHAN. This quotation serves as the guiding principle of the BKD Organization as they conducted a donation drive for the victims of typhoon Ulysses in partnership with the SK Federation of Sual. Joy and delight can be seen to the faces of the recipients as they received the relief goods. Although it is a simple act of extending help it means a lot to them. And they were very thankful for this simple act of humanity, love and care showed to them by the concern citizens and stakeholders from other government organization.
Friday, 13 November 2020
S.A.V.E.M.E.(Sharing Amidst Virus Outbreak Enterprising Local Products Making a Difference During ECQ/GCQ/MGCQ)
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Importance of Saving Money
Importance of Saving Money 
Being a student with a dream to become successful someday, it's good for you to save some money from your allowance. It will help you to buy your project in school without asking your parents to give you money because there's a saying that "Saving Money is like Saving your Future".
Money is something very much valuable and required for the survival. It's not just one piece of paper but it holds some value, a value that has to be understood by every individual. We all need money. We all want money and most of us feel we don't have enough of it, that's why we need to understand how much savings play an important role in securing future.
by Ruth D. Brutas, Makabansa Head
This photo was taken this November 5, 2020
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Prayer for the Safety and Strength of the people combating COVID-19
Friday, 30 October 2020
Posting of Advertisement About Drug Prevention Advocacy
The continuous increase in number of minors who use prohibited drugs, spreading awareness is a must to help solve this problem. Amidst the COVID – 19 pandemic, the BKD SNHS Chapter posted a series of advertisements in line with Drug Abuse Prevention in the official BKD SNHS Facebook page.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Mask not Drugs
During this health crisis we are facing right now the BKD Sual NHS Chapter came up with an idea to distribute masks among the students to be saved and safe against the COVID-19 virus and in using illegal drugs. Wearing mask is a must.
Friday, 23 October 2020
1st Digital Webinar on Health Awareness and Drug Abuse
To develop/increase awareness among students and teachers on drug abuse prevention. The speakers were from the faculty in College of Criminal Justice Education – PSU Binmaley. The first speaker was Ms. Cheryl A. De Castro. The discussant tackled pointers on “Dangerous Effects of Drugs and Vices, and Health Tips against Covid 19”. Next speaker is no less than Ms. Gina S. Millamina. Her talk is about “Dangerous Drugs and Vices”. Mr. Jan Michael Fernandez was the last speaker and he catered topics on “Motivating the Youth Against Drug Abuse and Vices”. The said webinar was conducted via live on the Official Facebook Page of BKD SNHS Chapter. We confidently say that the said activity was successful because of the support and cooperation of each and every one who participated to the said event.
Thursday, 22 October 2020
BKD: Adopt a Park
Pluma Kontra Droga
An essay writing competition was conducted for grades 7 to 12 students of Sual National High School last November 19, 2020 thru online. They’re given one and a half hour to write their composition. The students’ essay must have revolved around the theme “Bawal ang SAD (Sigarilyo, Alak at Droga) dapat HAPPY (Healthy at Pleasing Personality na Youth). The criteria for judging are relevance to the theme, originality and organization of thoughts and over-all impact. The purpose of the competition was to encourage the students to spread awareness about using addictive vices.
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Project S.A.V.E.M.E.
Monday, 19 October 2020
Distribution of BKD Brochure
Due to the rapid increase of minors who are using prohibited drugs, there is a need educating people especially the students or the youth as one way to address this problem. In support to the campaign of NDEP on drug awareness among students, the BKD SNHS Chapter distributed brochures containing information about illegal drugs and vices on the 17th day of October 2020. It aims to open the eyes of the youth and raise awareness of the harmful effects of prohibited drugs in one’s life and in the society.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Daily Posting of Facts and Trivia About S.A.D. (Sigarilyo, Alak at Droga)
The BKD SNHS Facebook page came handy as various facts and trivia are posted every day. These daily posts will help Facebook users, especially the minors, to be aware of the various effects of drug use and abuse.
VISION The Barkada Kontra Droga Officers of Sual National High School dream of having a drug-free school by strengthening the DepEd core ...
An informative online bulletin board containing the NDEP. This project was held on 7th day of December 2020 with the help of the BKD ...
A poster making contest was conducted for grades 7 to 12 students of Sual National High School. The posters made by the students rev...