Friday 23 October 2020

1st Digital Webinar on Health Awareness and Drug Abuse

     To develop/increase awareness among students and teachers on drug abuse prevention. The speakers were from the faculty in College of Criminal Justice Education – PSU Binmaley. The first speaker was Ms. Cheryl A. De Castro. The discussant tackled pointers on “Dangerous Effects of Drugs and Vices, and Health Tips against Covid 19”. Next speaker is no less than Ms. Gina S. Millamina. Her talk is about “Dangerous Drugs and Vices”. Mr. Jan Michael Fernandez was the last speaker and he catered topics on “Motivating the Youth Against Drug Abuse and Vices”. The said webinar was conducted via live on the Official Facebook Page of BKD SNHS Chapter. We confidently say that the said activity was successful because of the support and cooperation of each and every one who participated to the said event.

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