Tuesday 20 October 2020

Project S.A.V.E.M.E.

As the Covid-19 continues to soar and affect a lot of people, the BKD is putting a mass effort in order to aid and maintain the safeness of everyone in the community. These actions will be a great help for the preparation of the so-called new normal.
One of the proposals is the S.A.V.E M.E Project (Subsidizing An event for vulnerable Via donation by purchasing Essentials for covid19 Making mankind
Energetic, healthy, and safe). The main target are the students and teachers from the 3 secondary school of Sual, Pangasinan to support them in the S.Y. 2020-2021 that is decided to commence on October. The Covid essentials are consisting of face masks, alcohols, alcohol dispensers, and foot baths.
The fund that will be taken from the donations is still insufficient so we badly need your assistance and cash support to make this project successful. To help, please contact Mr. Daniel Galzote and Ms. Giana Ranielle Tiangson, or visit our FB page @ https://m.facebook.com/bkdsualnhs2020/ for more information.


by Mark John D. Bumacod, Makatao Head

This photo was posted on October 17,2020

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