Monday 5 October 2020

Plant of Hope

Are you looking for something that may help you treat your mild illness or sickness like fever, common colds, wounds, lump on forehead, and others? Well, there's an alternative ways in order for you to get better in an affordable and healthy means.

By planting herbal in your backyards or surroundings, aside from it treats your illness, it can help you to save money as well. Herbal plants can give us a way of healthy living. It has a lot of benefits to offer than any other medicines available in pharmacy. It is way more better to use for it has no other chemical substance and it is organic and environmentally-sound.

The herbal plants we can raise in our house are the following: horseradish (malunggay), bitter gourd (ampalaya), jute mallow (saluyot), capsicum fructescens (sili), ginger (luya), guava (bayabas), oregano, chives (kusay) and more. This can be done through planting in pots and create your mini-garden. These plants may not only cure mild illnesses but even severe or serious symptoms may also be treated. It is definitely true that it can help us a lot.

Planting in our backyards can be our leisure during the quarantine. Thus, let's start to make a move within ourselves to make our health as our wealth. Let's encourage ourselves to plant herbs for more hopes and healthy living. Because through planting, we can grow with prosperous life.

by Rosavilla D. Obosa, Makakalikasan Assistant Head

This photo was taken on March 30, 2020
Medicinal plants have been known to be an important potential source of therapeutics or curative aids.

This photo was uploaded on March 25, 2020
With this positive craft it shows how we value and nurture the importance of plants and trees in our daily lives.

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